Many times we are in the situation of errors in counter-strike. You may have seen the Reliable channel overflow error. Frequently this error is announced by a CL_FlushEntityPacket warning and after that we fell a long break and server delay.
Many people say that this error comes from your internet connection but they don't think that the error may come from your client configuration. Recently on the online world of counter-strike we have started to use some extreme client configurations for a smoother gameplay but this will only get you to: "You have been disconnected from server. Reason: Reliable channel overflow".
So i am going to give you some of my basic client commands.
rate 7500
cl_fixtimerate 7.5
cl_resend 6
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdbackup 2
cl_cmdrate 30
cl_timeout 35
ex_interp 0.100
ex_extrapmax 1.200
sys_ticrate 300
FIX: CL_FlushEntityPacket - Reliable channel overflow